Kookies Crafts Malawi Update

Today we have an update on the fantastic work Kookies Crafts Community Hub has achieved over the last 2 years thanks to the help and support of  the people of Southampton

Nsanje is one of the poorest districts in Malawi and is often blighted by heavy rain, cyclones, floods and severe drought resulting in famine.

Kookies Crafts have been supporting Pastor Charles and his wife Sigress to create short and long term solutions to improve standards of living and to be able to farm crops consistently to avoid famine. To date over £10,000 has been raised and used effectively in raising living standards by developing the village.

You can find out more by logging onto and following my face book page www.facebook.com/kookiescrafts

Kookies Crafts is a notforprofit small business whose vision is to raise vital funds for Nsanje District, support local craft businesses and build a stronger community.

Up to date this is what has been achieved thanks to the generosity of customers, businesses, friends, family and the general public.

1. Children are now able to attend school and one young man is now in his 2nd year at university. He is now being sponsored by a lovely local lady who wishes to remain anonymous.

2. A drinking water tap is installed in the village.

3. The Church has been rebuilt after being destroyed in 2015 by a cyclone

4. Irrigation was installed at the farm fields April 2021. This was sadly destroyed by floods in January 2022

5. A feeding centre was set up to avoid hunger for the children and adults using Kookies Crafts funds to purchase food.

6. A longterm solution was found by renting farm land on higher ground and irrigation bought and installed once again. (April 2022) provision of funds is needed for 6 months of the year to purchase food due to the extreme heat in the summer months the maize will not harvest.

7. Funds has been provided for a student to begin training to eventually become a policeman. Update on this is that he is now employed by the Police Force and is based in Malawi

8. Reading glasses and old prescription glasses are sent on a monthly basis alongside any small needs, e.g small toys baby and early years clothes

Funds are needed all the time to continue the vision for long term solutions for this village to become self-sufficient.

A) What is needed, Donations or sponsorship for students to attend university as the need arises.

B) Funds to complete the work on the church building so it can be used as a school for the youngest ones. The building work is now completed at a cost of £1650.00

9) I am presently looking at the cost and how to send much needed clothes to the village. Ongoing

10. School text books, writing equipment and reading books are desperately needed at this time.

The latest up date is that the young man in university has now become the farmers adviser and a second field for farming is now in place and 138 farmers have a small piece of land to grow maize. The plan is to harvest and store maize for the whole year.

You too can help by giving, attending craft workshops, buying handmade items from Kookies Crafts Shop. If you are a crafter then rent a shelf space to sell your products. Every penny counts and goes a long way in Malawi.

Thank you to every single person who has helped us to achieve so much so far.

Much love Viv x


I think you will agree that the work done by Kookies Crafts Community Hub so far is pretty amazing